manav wrote:

> The objective is to build a high-volumer server capable of doing mail-merged
> email blasts to several lists with 10,000 to 1,000,000 users, provide
> detailed reports about the status of emails (sent, bounced, bad email
> addresses, opened, forwarded), list management (across multiple lists for
> each user) and of course, stability.
> Over the period of last 12 months, we explored several options - and finally
> settled on qmail (what else?). I am using a Pentium III with Linux Redhat
> 6.2 installed on it, with 512 MB of RAM, 20 GB HDD and JDK 1.2.2 connected
> to a 128 Kbps line.

Before you go any further, get a real pipe. Why do people insist that
their Volkswagen Beetle is capable of keeping up with a Ferrari on the
autobahn? The volume of messages that you are trying to send is nothing
short of ridiculous with a 128Kbps line.


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