I'm running Mandrake 8.0.  

> I'm Running Linux Mandrake 7.2 and actually have 6 seperate 
qmail installs
> running on that machine and have been running on it for over a 
year. The OS
> actually started out as Mandrake 7.0 then upgraded to 7.1 and 
then 7.2 and
> have not had any problems. Now I thought maybe it was the 
latest Mandrake
> you might be having problems with so I edited my files and 
installed a 7th
> qmail service on my machine and it compiled just fine..... 
Then I deleted it
> and did it again.. Still compiled just fine.. I have no idea 
what is going
> on with your system but it is not an OS level issue unless 
there is
> something physically wrong with your OS installation 
itself.... I sugest
> doing a recopilation of the OS and try qmail again..
> Side note I use the gz download of qmail not the RPM so if 
your using the
> RPM package ignore this message then ;)
> cheers
> --JT
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Steve Reed" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Charles Cazabon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; 
> Sent: Thursday, June 28, 2001 1:47 PM
> Subject: Re: RE: RE: Problem with VAR directory during install
> > The compile runs, but when it's all over with there is 
> > in the /var/qmail directory to work with.
> >
> > -Steve
> >
> >
> > > Steve Reed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > I've checked everything except the phase of the moon and 
> > white blood cell
> > > > count.  I've probably memorized the docs by now.  qmail 
> > simply NOT
> > > > compile correctly on the latest Mandrake.
> > >
> > > You said earlier that the problem was "nothing ends up
> > in /var/qmail/".
> > > Now you say it doesn't compile.  Which is true?  If it 
> > compile, you
> > > should expect anything to end up in /var/qmail/, because
> > that's the "setup"
> > > (install) step, which comes after compiling is complete.
> > >
> > > If you want further help, please run the following script.
> > Make sure
> > > qmail-1.03.tar.gz is in /usr/local/src/ first.  Adjust the
> > path to bash as
> > > necessary.  This will do a vanilla compile & install of
> > unpatched qmail 1.03.
> > >
> > > #!/bin/bash
> > > (
> > >   mv /var/qmail /var/qmail.old
> > >   rm -rf /usr/local/src/qmail-1.03
> > >   cd /usr/local/src
> > >   gunzip -c qmail-1.03.tar.gz | tar -xf - qmail-1.03.tar.gz
> > >   cd qmail-1.03
> > >   make setup check
> > > ) >/tmp/qmail-setup-log.txt 2>&1
> > >
> > >
> > > Then post /tmp/qmail-setup-log.txt on the web somewhere, 
> > send a URL to
> > > this list.  We need to see all of the output of the build
> > process, I think, to
> > > find what your problem is.
> > >
> > > Charles
> > > --
> > > -----------------------------------------------------------
> > --------
> > > Charles Cazabon
> > > GPL'ed software available at:
> > http://www.qcc.sk.ca/~charlesc/software/
> > > -----------------------------------------------------------
> > --------
> > >
> >
> >

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