Steve Reed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Well I think I may have located the source of the trouble but 
> it's still puzzling. Both the Life With Qmail and the Running 
> qmail book want the /var/qmail directory created while logged in 
> as root.

Yes.  It should also be mode 755.

> That gives ownership to the user root in the group root. Then, the
> qmail-specific groups and users are added. The problem is that when I run
> linuxconf and look at the created users, I receive a warning that the home
> directory of /var/qmail has an invalid owner and group.

That can't be quite the right error message; perhaps more along the lines of
"these users (qmailq, qmails, etc) don't own their home directories (which are
all set to /var/qmail)"?

> Could this be the cause of my problems?

No.  It's a bogus error/warning -- there's nothing wrong with configuring the
qmail users this way.

> I'm not exactly a newbie to file and directory permissions, but in reading
> all the qmail documentation I can lay my hands on I see nothing that
> indicates I need to change the ownership and group of /var/qmail from
> root/root. 

You don't.

> Nevertheless, linuxconf is whining and my compile goes nowhere, and this all
> smells like a permissions issue. 

I don't use linuxconf -- it simply makes too many mistakes like this, and then
tries to "correct" the problems behind your back.

Charles Cazabon                            <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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