>  > I want to switch from POP3 to IMAP (finally).
> I cannot imagine why any enterprise would want to switch from POP3 to
> IMAP.  They are designed to do completely different things.  POP3
> exists to get the email the heck off your server as quickly as
> possible, whereas IMAP is designed to keep the email on your server
> forever.
> Unless you chose the wrong protocol in the first place, why are you
> switching?

Firstly, I'm not an enterprise :)

Secondly, POP3 is easily chosen because it's more compatible in general.
There are hardly any MUA:s out there that doesn't support it properly, while
the same is not true for IMAP. I've switched to IMAP because it gives me
more freedom to switch MUAs and access my mail from anywhere with an IMAP
capable client.

Wheather the mail is stored locally or on the server doesn't make much
difference in my cast, except in so far as it affects availability.

/ Peter Schuller, InfiDyne Technologies HB

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