Hi all:

        I have a customer who is using serialmail to upload their mail through
their dial-up connection to our mail server. They have two problems:

        1) Sometimes the dialup line isn't fast enough, and mail piles up. They
would like to manually move some messages so that serialmail sends them
before others. How could I do this? I guess that "touch"-ing the files
so that they have an earlier date would work, but it would be better if
it was automated (messages from this and that user always get more
priority). Also, there's the problem of what happens if serialmail is
already running while they are doing this; would serialmail "catch" that
change right away? (That is, after sending the current message, it would
scan again the queue, find the message that has been "touch"-ed, and
start with it inmediately). Would it do that, or does serialmail scan
the queue only once (when it starts)?

        2) Related to the above: sometimes there are messages that don't get
sent; instead, they just sit in the queue while serialmail is happily
processing other mails that arrived after them. I suppose that the cause
might be that serialmail timed out while trying to send them and just
skipped them... but those mails aren't usually *that* big, just regular
3K, 10K, etc., messages. Is there any other cause for this? How could I
force serialmail to send them?

                                                Paulo Jan.

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