> There is a perfectly good list for serialmail. Subscribe by sending a
> mail to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.

        I did just a few hours ago. I received my confirmation request, replied
to it... and I'm still waiting. I'll give it a few more hours.
        BTW, is there any place where the serialmail list is archived? Just so
that I can, uh, search it looking for my question before posting...

> Serialmail isn't a daemon, something else starts it -- usually a script
> that pppd activates. You can solve those problems by adding some
> features to whatever starts serialmail.

        I know it isn't a daemon. In my customer's case, it's started by a cron
job that calls it every 30 minutes using setlock. The complete line is
something like:

/usr/local/bin/setlock -nx ~alias/outmail/seriallock
/usr/local/bin/maildirsmtp ~alias/outmail alias-outmail- [UPSTREAM MAIL
SERVER'S IP] `hostname`

        So, with that in mind, what are the features that you mention above?
:-) (I'm afraid that they will turn out to be "write a shell script to
grep the mails in the queue and touch those who come from $BIG_BOSS",
but oh well...)

                                                Paulo Jan.

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