On Wed, Jul 18, 2001 at 03:38:15PM +0200, Paulo Jan wrote:
> Hi all:
>       I have a customer who is using serialmail to upload their mail through
> their dial-up connection to our mail server. They have two problems:
>       1) Sometimes the dialup line isn't fast enough, and mail piles up. They
> would like to manually move some messages so that serialmail sends them
> before others. How could I do this? I guess that "touch"-ing the files
> so that they have an earlier date would work, but it would be better if
> it was automated (messages from this and that user always get more
> priority). Also, there's the problem of what happens if serialmail is
> already running while they are doing this; would serialmail "catch" that
> change right away? (That is, after sending the current message, it would
> scan again the queue, find the message that has been "touch"-ed, and
> start with it inmediately). Would it do that, or does serialmail scan
> the queue only once (when it starts)?
>       2) Related to the above: sometimes there are messages that don't get
> sent; instead, they just sit in the queue while serialmail is happily
> processing other mails that arrived after them. I suppose that the cause
> might be that serialmail timed out while trying to send them and just
> skipped them... but those mails aren't usually *that* big, just regular
> 3K, 10K, etc., messages. Is there any other cause for this? How could I
> force serialmail to send them?

There is a perfectly good list for serialmail. Subscribe by sending a
mail to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.

Serialmail isn't a daemon, something else starts it -- usually a script
that pppd activates. You can solve those problems by adding some
features to whatever starts serialmail.


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