* KK <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [010719 11:39]:

Turn off HTML and wrap your lines properly. Your message looks like shit
and is 4x too big.

> I am a new entrant to the "qmail" world and have recently installed
> the qmail_1.03 server on a Red Hat Linux 6.0. I have also istalled the
> UW-imap server with Maildir support. 

So you're using an outdated and insecure OS along with the IMAP server
from hell. Good luck.

> 1. How do I create dynamic system users (and assign them passwords)
> and the mail directories within the users home directories from inside
> an email-client application, which uses the IMAP protocol to access
> emails (just like it is done on hotmail.com or any other web-based
> email systems)?

Not at all. Hotmail and similar sites uses CGI scripts to create the
account. Check http://www.inter7.com/vqregister/

> 2. Is the creation of system users avoidable for generating email
> addresses? 

Check http://www.inter7.com/vpopmail/ God bless inter7.com.

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