At 21:53 19.07.2001 +0530, you wrote:
>Hello Everyone -
>I am a new entrant to the "qmail" world and have recently installed the 
>qmail_1.03 server on a Red Hat Linux 6.0. I have also istalled the UW-imap 
>server with Maildir support. I have successfully configured 
>NS-Communicator to send and receive mails using the IMAP ptotocol using 
>qmail. I am even able to send and receive emails using Outlook Express 
>from other Windows systems in the local network. For accessing thses 
>emails, I was creating system users by logging-in as root and using the 
>LInuxConf utility. Now my questions are:
>1. How do I create dynamic system users (and assign them passwords) and 
>the mail directories within the users home directories from inside an 
>email-client application, which uses the IMAP protocol to access emails 
>(just like it is done on or any other web-based email systems)?

check out, there are several solutions...

>2. Is the creation of system users avoidable for generating email 
>addresses? For eg. can I have an email addrress account hosted on the 
>above email server - <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>without creating a system user named "joe"? If yes, how can I make this 
>possible, both as a root user and also from within an email-client 
>application? Is there a readymade script available to do this?

see 1. there are web-administration solutions to do this

>I hope I have explained my problem in the right sense and am able to put 
>across the issue at hand. Any (and in fact all) replies/help is highly 
>appreciated. Hoping to get some replies from the techie gurus.
>Thanks & kind regards.

--/-/------ Lukas Beeler ---- [EMAIL PROTECTED] -----------\-\--
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