On Thu, Jul 19, 2001 at 01:00:56PM -0500, Robin S. Socha wrote:
> * Greg White <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [010719 12:58]:
> > On Thu, Jul 19, 2001 at 09:53:23PM +0530, KK wrote:
> > > 1. How do I create dynamic system users (and assign them passwords)
> > > and the mail directories within the users home directories from
> > > inside an email-client application, which uses the IMAP protocol to
> > > access emails (just like it is done on hotmail.com or any other
> > > web-based email systems)?
> > 
> > Let me see if I understand this correctly -- you want to create mail
> > accounts from within an MUA? If that's what you're asking, it cannot be
> > done, and if it could I would run* as from from qmail as humanly
> > possible. Even Microsoft does not have this "feature". If this is not
> > what you're asking, please restate the nature of the problem.
> Eh. You're in Unixland, not in Redmon. Sure it could be done. man
> procmail maildrop if you're into deviant sexual practices. Hmmm... come
> to think of it, man dotqmail would even do. Wicked.

qmail itself does not do this. Of course, you _could_ cook up some
setuid mess that created arbitrary virtual users (or even system users)
upon receipt of mail, but would you? Yuck. Better that the OP believe
that it is impossible. IMHO it is impossible to do securely.

Greg White

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