On Tue, Jul 31, 2001 at 06:50:33PM +0200, Lukas Beeler wrote:

[a lot of broken quoting]
Please, learn how to correctly reply to messages. Your "style" 
makes it very hard to distinguish between your own words and these
of the one you replied to. You also quoted a signature, which is
bad style, too.

btw, you might also want to use a mail-followup-to header. 
btw2, there is rarely a reason to CC Russ Nelson if you are
sending mails to the qmail mailing list. I can imagine only
one: The wish to annoy him.

> i use a windows MUA because i have to, because i don't have the money, to 
> buy a third computer [beside my devel "server"].

why do you use windows at all?
Yes, i know that there are three reasons to use windows. Encarta, 
M$ SQL-Server and wanting to support Gates and Balmer ...

> Or would you tell your 
> mother, that she now should use mutt as her email client ?

Of course.
She either uses software i recommend or she has to buy support from
Apart from that, there's software besides mutt. I've heard about
20 to 100 email clients for unix over the years. Most are free and

Regards, Uwe

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