Greetings All,

I have reinstalled qmail EXACTLY via the documentation in LWQ EXCEPT for
installation of the daemontools. I am using daemontools 0.76 and I used the
referenced Web page in the README to install. I have tried all manner of run
files supplied by members of the list - and thank you Robin and others who
sent their run files to me. Still, I cannot get selective relay to work.
qmail is either promiscuous or a virgin but their ain't no inbetween when it
comes to relaying.

I did notice in my search of the Web that people were reporting detailed
output from running tcprulescheck /etc/tcp.smtp.cdb.
Here's the contents of my tcp.smtp file (cut and pasted):


Yet, when I run tcprulescheck, I get this:

[root@cilinux /etc]# tcprulescheck /etc/tcp.smtp.cdb
allow connection
[root@cilinux /etc]#

If I run tcprulescheck /etc/tcp.smtp.cdb 192.168.10. I get the same output
as above.

I have compiled my rules by both invoking tcprules /etc/tcp.smtp.cdb
/etc/tcp.smtp.tmp < /etc/tcp.smtp <enter> and qmailctl cdb <enter>

Is the minimal output I am seeing from tcprulescheck "normal" or do I have a
problem there? And if it's a problem - what do I do to fix it?


Scott Zielsdorf
Senior Technical Support Consultant
Computer Instruments IVR Solutions Support Group
Voice: 913.492.1888 x8862 Fax: 913.492.1483

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