At 11:14 01.08.2001 -0500, Scott Zielsdorf wrote:
>Once I set the TCPREMOTEIP variable I did see the rule which now leads me to
>the discovery that my Windows workstations - which are DHCP clients - do not
>have entries in my DNS.

so far, so good. but tell me, what does the TCPREMOTEIP Variable have to 
with DNS ?

>So when qmail does the reverse look up, it can't
>resolve the IP.

yes, but where's the problem ?

>Short of going off DHCP and putting all my workstations in my DNS, is there
>any way to "fix this"?

fix what ? everything will work, even without ptr records...

--/-/------ Lukas Beeler ---- [EMAIL PROTECTED] -----------\-\--
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