On Thu, 2 Aug 2001, Derek Callaway wrote:

> Hi, I'm having a problem with my qmail smtpd server becoming unresponsive
> when rblsmtpd cannot communiate with the RBL nameservers. Has anyone else

>From the manual page at http://cr.yp.to/ucspi-tcp/rblsmtpd.html:

    -C: (Default.) Handle RBL lookups in a ``fail-open'' mode. If an RBL
    lookup fails temporarily, assume that the address is not listed; if
    an anti-RBL lookup fails temporarily, assume that the address is
    anti-listed. Unfortunately, a knowledgeable attacker can force an
    RBL lookup or an anti-RBL lookup to fail temporarily, so that his
    mail is not blocked.

Work: It's not just a job, it's an indenture.

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