On Thu, Aug 09, 2001 at 02:33:47PM +0200, Morten Liebach wrote:
> This is news to me, I've been using mailwrapper (e.g. /etc/mailer.conf)
> instead.
> What's so bad about mailwrapper?

It invokes the real sendmail when it gets in any kind of trouble. A
fix for this is in a FreeBSD PR that hasn't been committed to the
STABLE branch yet. It is also untested right now. Don't expect it to
be fixed in the near future.

> Yeah, free sex really hurts the economy and innovation.
> Where can i *buy* a sex license? (I don't like stealing, you know).
> :-)

Oh I don't know, I always just do that illegally :)

Greetz, Peter
Against Free Sex!   http://www.dataloss.nl/Megahard_en.html

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