On Thu, Aug 09, 2001 at 11:17:14AM -0600, Charles Cazabon wrote:
> Ross Cooney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > You guess wrong -- that puts "recordio" as the port number for tcpserver
> > > to listen on.  recordio should go immediately before qmail-smtpd.
> [...] 
> > This it?
> Why don't you try it and see?  Wouldn't that have been easier than
> mailing back to the list and asking if it will work?

Why dont you stop being such an asshole and either help or shutup.


> Charles
> -- 
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Charles Cazabon                            <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> GPL'ed software available at:  http://www.qcc.sk.ca/~charlesc/software/
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------

Ross Cooney

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