> > > > > You guess wrong -- that puts "recordio" as the port number for tcpserver
> > > > > to listen on.  recordio should go immediately before qmail-smtpd.
> > > [...] 
> > > > This it?
> > > 
> > > Why don't you try it and see?  Wouldn't that have been easier than
> > > mailing back to the list and asking if it will work?
> > 
> > Why dont you stop being such an asshole and either help or shutup.
> You've got a lot of nerve there, dipwit, to call Charles an asshole.  He is
> probably the #1 contributor to this list these days, and calling him names
> isn't going to make you any friends here.

I take your point. My email was badly targeted.

I have a member of this list for over a year, and I have
not contribited to it much, but when I have contribited
I have tried to help people...and not pour scorn on them.

Regardless what anybody says, this list is full of people who
are more interested in showing off and not helping.

With this said, I get a lot of good advice and help from this list
and I took a decision this week to try to be more active on this
list to help others.....and hopefully people will 
help me with my issues. I do not suppose to be a qmail guru,
but I have some skills that I can pass on.

I agree that Charles has helped a large number of people
over the year here...some would say that he is a profilic poster.
But....why is he so short when people ask real questions??

If you have nothing constructive to say then dont say anything.



Ross Cooney

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