Tren Blackburn writes: 

> Ahhh!  After looking at your config.status, the problem is that it's not
> finding the incs or libs: 
> from my config.status: 
> s%@vpopmaildir@%/home/vpopmail%g
> s%@auth_incs@%-I/home/vpopmail/include%g
> s%@auth_libs@%-L/home/vpopmail/lib -lvpopmail -L/usr/local/mysql/lib/mysql -
> lmysqlclient -lz%g 
> from yours: 
> s%@vpopmaildir@%/var/vpopmail%g
> s%@auth_incs@%%g
> s%@auth_libs@%%g 
> See? 
> Now, if you go into your /var/vpopmail/etc directory you should have two
> files in particular there: 
> -rw-r--r--    1 vpopmail vchkpw         25 Oct 10 12:20 inc_deps
> -rw-r--r--    1 vpopmail vchkpw         79 Oct 10 12:20 lib_deps 
> That's what qmailadmin is pulling to get the information on how to compile: 
> [root@EOTnetworks etc]# cat *deps
> -I/home/vpopmail/include
> -L/home/vpopmail/lib -lvpopmail -L/usr/local/mysql/lib/mysql -lmysqlclient -
> lz 
> Verify those files actually exist and have what looks to be the right
> information for your system. 
> I hope this helps, but that's where your problem is...

As I pointed out in a private mail to this guy, he should try to change the 
permissions on the vpopmail devel stuff, like this: 

chmod 711 /home/vpopmail
chmod 755 /home/vpopmail/{include,lib}
chmod 644 /home/vpopmail/{include,lib}/* 

I never got an answer though... 

As I see it the vpopmail install are too restrictive on these ones. This 
prevents for example courier-imap from beeing built as non root, also the 
"make check" phase fails. Ken? 

Kindest regards // Oden Eriksson
Deserve-IT Networks 

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