On 01/14/2011 12:05 PM, Matt Brookings wrote:
> On 01/14/2011 11:57 AM, Dave Steinberg wrote:
> > I'm not sure I'd be comfortable ignoring the unauthorized use notice.
> > I'd be the one getting fined and dealing with the hassle, not inter7.
> > Do you guys have copyright over the image or is it licensed
> > appropriately from the copyright holder?
> The guy who remade the templates way back when had ownership of the
> image.  Gettyimages has some web bot that goes around looking for
> images they sell.  Semi-automated harassment.
> If you're concerned about the image, open it up, paste white all over
> it, and be done with it.

I'd definitely remove the image and/or substitute it with something
else, but the notice that we receive indicates that just removing the
image does not absolve our responsibility to pay the fees.   Do you have
any proof of ownership for the image by the creator of the templates? 
Do you know who the creator was so that we might could make direct contact?

Trey Nolen


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