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On 01/14/2011 03:15 PM, Dennis Körner wrote:
> Yes it was me who wrote that blog entry. And I'm surprised that someone of 
> Inter7 is respondig to this now. When I wrote to Inter7 and to this list some 
> years ago. Noone of Inter7 was interested in that issue. They are _really_ 
> ignorant to still distribute this image in an open source package maintained 
> by them.
> As I had contact to the original author of this image (Eric Pearle) it is 
> _clear_ that Inter7 has _no_ licence for this picture. Because this image is 
> under exclusive licencing by getty. And getty does not licence this picture 
> for redistribution.
> If you ask me: Inter7 is knowingly bringing users of qmailadmin in legal 
> difficulties. And they are also ingorant about that. This is really hurting 
> OS.

We have not knowingly distributed any copyrighted material without
license.  Currently, it is our understanding that the image was added
to the qmailadmin login template by someone who held a license to use
the image.  We will be looking into this.

My own personal advise would be to blank the image on your personal
qmailadmin login page until we have verified whether or not the image
will be removed from the package.

- -- 
    Matt Brookings <m...@inter7.com>       GnuPG Key FAE0672C
    Software developer                     Systems technician
    Inter7 Internet Technologies, Inc.     (815)776-9465
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