Vince Callaway wrote:
> On Wed, 2007-01-17 at 08:34 -0700, Eric "Shubes" wrote:
>> CentOS is a much better choice for a toaster distro than Fedora in terms of
>>  stability. You'll have far fewer OS upgrades to do once it's up and
>> running, and you'll also run into fewer hurdles installing and upgrading the
>> toaster software. There is no advantage to using Fedora that I'm aware of.
>> In general, Fedora is good for desktops, CentOS is good for servers.
> While in general I would agree with you, but not in this case.  Centos
> works fine with the exception of spamassassin.  All the people that sent
> me the lint outputs only one showed all the modules functioning.
> Spamassassin is one of the key elements needed in the spam battle.

This seems to indicate that some extra work needs to be done to get SA
working 100% on CentOS, which is indeed the case.
.) no less true on Fedora
.) SA does not need to be 100% operative to be effective. E.g. the stock
toaster has only local rules enabled.

> I now have five fedora boxes running qmail-toaster, all are stable and
> spam free.

"spam free" is relative at best. ;)
Congratulations though!

> It is true that updates come out more often for fedora than
> for Centos.  Fedora is used as a test bed before things are available
> for Centos and Redhat.  So long as everything is working, there is not
> much need to update unless you want to.

This comes down to stability/security. With CentOS, only security updates
are released and should be applied. With Fedora, you get security and
development updates, which increases the risk of instability.

> I posted my notes previously on this list on fedora installs.  If you
> follow those it is a painless install on fdr60.

I'm sure that it is. Unfortunately, Kisakye was starting with FC5! :(

Thank you for your trail blazing work, Vince. Will you kindly take the time
to post your fdr60 notes on the wiki? I'm sure it would be a valuable addition.

-Eric 'shubes'

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