Eric "Shubes" wrote:
Warren (mailing lists) wrote:
I have taken the script and made it a little more useful for
me.  I have attached a copy in a tarball. Here are the changes I made:

(1) There are now 2 separate scripts.  The first does the downloads and
the second does the upgrade.  This way I can start the downloads before
I leave at night and then I can do the actual upgrade in the morning
before anyone else comes in without having to wait for the downloads

(2) The directory /usr/src/qtms-upgrade now has a suffix with the time
and date the download started and a softlink points to it from
/usr/src/qtms-upgrade.  If an old directory exists it gets renamed out
of the way.  This allows me to have a history of upgrades as well as
being sure that old .src.rpms are not being compiled.

(3) The second (upgrade) script looks for monit's startup file
(/etc/init.d/monit).  If it is found, monit gets stopped at the
beginning of the upgrade script and gets restarted at the end.

(4) The second script takes a flag of -y (sh -y) which
assumes an answer of -y for all questions.

(5) /etc/tcprules.d/tcp.smtp gets restored after the upgrade and the new
one gets renamed to  This way your rules do not get blown

Feel free to use, modify or discard as you see fit.



Have you seen qmailtoaster-plus ( The
qtp-newmodel family of scripts essentially does all of this (except #3) and
more. If you'd like to see #3 added as a feature, please create a ticket for it.

There are many other useful tools included in the package too, as documented
at the site.


I have seen it, but mostly what I have seen is a lot of posting about problems with it as it currently stands. If this mail server was not incredibly important to our business, I would happily be playing with it right now. But since this is a mission-critical mail server, I am sticking with the script that I know works, at least for now.


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