What does df show?


seekuel wrote:

May I know if any one experience this error "Server replied: 451 qq write error or disk full (#4.3.0)" my toaster is running for about 8 month and then this morning that error came out.

I did try:
[root@ ~]# /opt/qmailtoaster-plus/bin/queue_repair.py

and the final output shows:
checking files...
checking queue/mess files...
checking split locations...
  queue/mess/0/1006503 ownership 7794:0, should be qmailq:qmail
  testmode, not fixing
  queue/mess/5/1006508 ownership 7794:0, should be qmailq:qmail
  testmode, not fixing
  queue/mess/9/1006489 ownership 7794:0, should be qmailq:qmail
  testmode, not fixing
  queue/mess/10/1006467 ownership 7794:0, should be qmailq:qmail
  testmode, not fixing
  queue/mess/14/1006494 ownership 7794:0, should be qmailq:qmail
  testmode, not fixing
  queue/mess/21/1006501 ownership 7794:0, should be qmailq:qmail
  testmode, not fixing


[root@ ~]# qmqtool -T
Messages in todo queue: 0
[root@ ~]# qmqtool -s
Messages in local queue: 0
Messages in remote queue: 1
Messages in todo queue: 0

Even if I send to local account the same error happened. Any way to solve this error.

Thanks and more power



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