Well, how do you turn that on, and what is going to do? add more lines in the log? if so I can turn it on.

Eric "Shubes" escribió:
Guillermo Villasana wrote:
Yes I have also used submission port for a while and this has happened
only until recent. It seems to me as if qmailtoaster tries to connect to
the remote server and there is where it fails, but it just doesn't add
it to the queue, but tells the sender that it was not able to generete
the SMTP connection... Also Eric, what do you have in
/var/qmail/control/timeoutsmtp file? because at the moment I don't even
have the file, maybe putting there a high number, will lower a bit my
failed messages?


The default for timeoutsmtp (when it's absent) is 1200 (20 minutes). I doubt
that raising this would help your situation. I had throttled it back to 1
minute. I presently have it set to 10 minutes.

I hope to have some time later in the week to look into this. I am seeing a
256 return code in the submission log, so I'm thinking of turning on
recordio and seeing what that says. You might give that a try if it's
feasible for you.

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