To be honest, that's really confusing. You keep pointing that out and I don't know why. I've made it clear why I'm wanting to use this package, I've even explained my reasons for not being able to afford help on EVERYTHING we have going on right now. As part of my taking the time to explain this, I've pointed out why I am having the problems. I don't recall begging you to give a hoot about what I do nor posting it to you directly so why in the world do you sound like you keep taking offence???

Not taking offense, just trying to put things in perspective. And you did ask me to give a hoot - this is a public mailing list. You also asked me directly to work on your machines (remember, I had Yahoo working fine by using one of my test domains pointed at your machine so I could control DNS?).
Nothing is stopping you from doing just that if you wanted. What's stopping you from putting a few of the guys together and pulling your work together based on INPUT from the users on this list??? Open your eyes to opportunities and maybe you'll stop being so personally offended when someone is simply offering their view on things. Take the input, turn it into something cool, make your own half million a year or more, what's stopping you other than not listening to the input you're getting right now. I can't even imagine how many people are reading this list perhaps agreeing with me but afraid to post their agreement. All of the is input you might be scaring away by taking offence and crying fowl that it's just a hobby and no demands should be put on you. None are.

This has been tried before. If you read the archives ( I know, it's a pain and it's work, or you can just take my word for it) I've tried to put together a group a couple times to fix the very same module you keep harping about. All three times it's fallen to the way side - I'm not a very good PHP programmer, so I can't help much in that realm. When the PHP programmer dropped off the face of the Earth, we were unable to find another willing to work on the project. Another time I was moving from C programming in Windows to C programming in Linux so when the C programmer dropped from the group I was not yet ready to take over those reins. And I'm not personally offended - just tired of hearing you complain that nobody wants to support you. The software is free, the support is not. And even that's not totally true. I've seen plenty of support freely given over the last couple weeks here on the list. The level of support you want is not free.

Um, I am. I didn't just walk away and not give you any input. I took the time to thank everyone who helped me, left some comments for input from someone who used it in the hopes that it might be seen as useful. While some have been very nice, the passive aggressive thing has been a wee bit obvious too. Since I'm not a programmer, I can't contribute but maybe you didn't read something else I wrote which was... once we're making actual MONEY, I would LOVE to contribute and will do so. When I can afford my own programmers to work on our projects, I will absolutely contribute to open source. Sorry, can't do it all today though, have to count on the nice folks who put this stuff out to get somewhere first.

No offense, and I'm sure you have the greatest intentions, but most of us have heard the "if I make money you'll make money" story. Some of us (me included) have even fallen for them from time to time. Not to make this personal, but if you want to use QMT so badly (even for just spam scanning) then why are you trying to charge for your TDMA contribution? Was the original TDMA code GPL?

I've hired the rent-a-coders and have been screwed over every single time. I am not paying another programmer again until I can hire that person full time to work on what I need with results oriented output, not promises.

As for "Thank you", if that's not enough for you, why are you still bothering? You sound like one of many programmers I seem to come across who are pissed at the world for giving and getting nothing back. Why give then? Giving means just that, GIVING. It's thankless, it doesn't earn money, it's from the heart, it's because you love something that you're doing and it pleases you to give of yourself. Why the hell do people spend time giving then get upset that they aren't getting back?

And I've been screwed over by the "I'll pay you when I make money" and "I'll pay you when the job is done" people. So what? There's no passive aggressiveness here, at least that's not what I'm trying to get across. And the thank you's are enough, or I wouldn't keep giving. It's the complaints that we're not giving enough that get my goat.

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