worked perfectly..


Luis Lopez


IT Support <>



Eric Shubert wrote:
Also, be sure to use TLS/SSL along with authentication. Otherwise your
login/password would be sent in the clear and could be stolen relatively easily.

Phil Leinhauser wrote:
Good news!  You didn't configure QMT wrong.  This is the way it should be.

You'll need him to use the submission port (587) on his client instead of 25.  
He'll also need to use smtp auth. to send.  In fact, you should make it 
standard procedure now to have all of your clients submit on port 587 with SMTP 
auth from now on.  This will make it easier in the long run.  You'll start 
seeing more and more post offices going this way.


-----Original message-----
From: Luis Lopez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Tue, 05 Aug 2008 14:39:50 -0400
Subject: [qmailtoaster] Authentication to bypass spam checks

Hi All,

My first message to this mailing list. :-)


One of my developers is complaining that is not possible for him to send email from his house. I noticed that the range of IPs from his block has been flagged as spam.

What's the correct procedure to have him authenticated and bypass the spam mechanism?

I know that I probably configured QT wrong, lets see if I can get it right this time.

Thanks in advance.


Luis Lopez


IT Support <>
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