i'm using esx free edition and is working ok (4 months), there are multiple operating sistems on the server (quad core, 8g ram, for qmail I have 2g ram and 2 core, ~600 users)

the great advantage is the instant backup.


Jake Vickers wrote:
Truong Duc Luong wrote:

Hi list,

Does anyone try to use QMT on VMWare for production use? Doea VM affect the performance of mail server? Please share your experience if using QMT on Vmware.

I have QM under VMWare for download available at http://qmtiso.com (including an installation ISO - links on the main qmailtoaster.org site should be coming shortly) that is ready to go. I have run QMT under VMWare, but for limited production use. As a backup server, or a server that only has <20 users with low traffic it will be okay. Get more than that and I think you can justify the hardware expense anyway. Plus the clock skew is horrendous in VMWare, and for email in the USA to be compliant with legal standards (big concern for me with my clients) you need to be <>.01 on the time. For the home user or just someone trying/testing things it will be fine though.

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