On Thu, 2008-11-20 at 23:28 -0500, Myers, Jon W wrote:

> I've heard about using Jake's backup and restore scripts, but trying to 
> download from his site, I'm getting "An SQL error has occurred. Please see 
> error.log for details.".  Is there anywhere else I can get them from?
> I'm moving a domain from a very old qmail setup (which does indeed use 
> vpopmail) over to the new qmail toaster box.  Things look pretty straight 
> forward, as the vpopmail database is easy to read.  The one issue that I'm 
> not sure about is passwords.  My old database has encrypted passwords with 13 
> characters (uppercase/lowercase/letters/numbers/special chars/etc..) (aka, 
> not clear text).  The new database uses encrypted passwords that start with 
> "$1$" and are i think 34 characters long.  I do remember in all my Unix days 
> that the "$1$" denotes a particular algorithm.
> So, is there an easy way to convert from the 13 character to the "$1$" 
> flavor??
> I've got the domain created in the new qmail toaster, so I'm guessing all 
> I'll need to do is move the entries in the vpopmail database over, and create 
> the directories for the users....  Sound about right?

I have a blog entry on my site about the files - I moved to a new
version of mysql which breaks the file download portion of the site. I'm
going to be changing the site due to spammers anyway. I get 100-300 spam
articles/users everyday and I honestly don't want to invest the time it
takes to clear them out every day.
The backup and restore scripts are now included with Qmailtoaster-Plus
anyway (qtp.qmailtoaster.com). That will be the most current version
anyway - I stopped updating the script in multiple locations a couple
years ago and only update it in QTP now.

As far as your passwords are concerned; the backup script will backup
the whole DB.  The restore script will drop whatever DB for vpopmail you
currently have and import the backed up copy.  In theory this should
carry the passwords over, but it will erase any data you have in the new
DB so I would plan this out a little before just jumping in.

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