At 02:17 PM 11/21/2008, Dan wrote:
Ok... since we're talking old *nix here, I thought I'd add my 2-cents worth...

Short & sweet: The password entries for your OLD system should import to the new one without issue. The new system will already know how to use the OLD password format, but when users change their passwords, the NEW ones will be stored in the $1$ (MD5) format automatically.
---(much chopping)---

Thank you very much. I did not know that it would figure out the hash mechanism stored in the database, and act accordingly. So that answers alot of questions, and makes the conversion very easy.

Additionally, the database formats were slightly different between the old and new vpopmail, so I ended up just writing my own convert.. Also, cheating a little by making my select statement return what looks like a vuseradd commandline. So the accounts are there and working, next, hopefully just a matter of changing DNS, and copying over any last minute email that appears on the old box.

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