Greetings Everyone,
I need help getting my POP3 to work again. My mail server has a public ip
address and was working fine until a couple of days ago... i did not make
any changes on the firewall in place since I run it as well, but when i
telnet to the pop port whether inside lan or from a remote location all I
get is this...

akisakye$ telnet mailserver.com 110
Trying xx.xx.xx.xx...
Connected to mailserver.com.
Escape character is '^]'.

POP banner doesnt appear... ive tried to telnet on the machine itself and
a telnet to the localhost or responds immediately with the pop
banner while a telnet to mailserver.com even on the servers terminal
reproduces the results...

Sounds like a DNS issue. Your server will perform a reverse DNS lookup on the IP connecting during the initial transaction. What does your /var/qmail/supervise/pop3/run file look like? Try adding an -H to the tcpserver options to disable remote IP lookups.

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