What version of qmail-toaster did you upgrade from?
How did you do the upgrade? (qtp-newmodel?)
What does your tcp.smtp file contain?

Michael Maness wrote:
So, I updated our qmailtoaster installation yesterday since it hadn't been
done in a while.

We run qmailtoaster on a CentOS 5 64-bit server.

Once all our updates were done yesterday and I made the necessary changes
to tcp.smtp, we could send and receive all local email, and we could send
email outside our domain, but we could not receive email from outside.

Below is an example of what all our outside emails were logging in the
SMTP log.

@4000000049b5904f2666026c CHKUSER accepted rcpt: from
<foodnetworkstore....@email-foodnetworkstore.com::> remote
<mr7.mail.ena.net:unknown:> rcpt <[local-email]> : found existing
@4000000049b5904f29b15cdc connect(): No such file or directory
@4000000049b5904f29b8715c qmail-smtpd: qq soft reject (mail server
temporarily rejected message (#4.3.0)):

Once I removed the command QMAILQUEUE="/var/qmail/bin/simscan" from our
tcp.smtp file, we could receive email again.

I've verified that /var/qmail/bin/simscan exists.

Can someone point me in the right direction to determining what the
problem is?

--Michael Maness, Technician
  Crockett Co. Schools

-Eric 'shubes'

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