Phil Leinhauser wrote:
If for nothing else, it's great for reading the logs right from the web
page.  I was using Splunk before and that's a huge memory hog for such a
small need for me.

I was also impressed that I could change the tcp.smtp control file and it
even did the cdb afterwards.

Plus, you can't beat the support from Jake.

I'm interested in purchasing QControl software for use on our mail
server.  Can someone tell me about there experience with it?  Also I
can't find the licensing terms any where, like if we move our mail
server to a new machine, will the license come with it?  Or if we setup
a cluster do we need it for each machine?
Thanks for the info.

Thanks Phil!
I did not get around to including licensing terms with the package. I don't mind if you move it to different machines. I also don't mind if you use it on 2 or 3 machines. All I ask is that if you use it on more than 3 machines that you please purchase another copy. As for a cluster, ideally you would have almost all of the files that QControl edits shared between the systems for sanity so it would not matter which machine you used it on to control the system.

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