Michael Colvin wrote:
Peter Peltonen wrote:

On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 9:51 PM, Eric Shubert <e...@shubes.net> wrote:
I didn't know you can disable quotas at the domain level (learn
new every day). I'd give it a shot. Oh, and please let us know how you
that, and how it works.
Well if you don't know about it, then I've might misunderstood something
But at least in QControl when editing an domain I have the option:

Domain Quota in megabytes (0 for no quota):

I checked now the command line tools and it appears that the domain
quota can be set also with /home/vpopmail/bin/vmoddomlimits which has
the following options:

         -Q quota-in-megabytes ( set domain disk quota, '100' = 100 MB )
         -q quota-in-bytes ( set default user quota, '10M' = 10 MB )

Never used these though. Does anyone here have experience on setting
the domain disk quota limit and how it reflects on user quotas?


I've never used them, personally, but it would seem logical that domain wide
quota's would override global settings, and users would override
domain...But, that's just a guess.

Quotas in Qmailtoaster (vpopmail really) have, well, mixed results. It seems they either work for you or they do not. I personally have never had an issue with them on any of my systems, but I will also admit that I have not thoroughly tested them either. Drives are *so* cheap these days that I just don't worry about quotas for users and either set no quota or something ridiculously high. A 1TB drive can be found for ~$90USD these days (I know - I have two) and at that price why not let the users have their email boxes back? Anyway, I put those options in QControl since vpopmail supported them. I have not thoroughly tested any of the "extended" options for vpopmail in general, so any feedback is appreciated and can be added to the wiki for future users if nothing else.

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