I tried to use wget but instead of sending url with values it is just
downloading pages. I think wget is use for downloading files from
remote server.

At Wednesday, 06-10-2010 on 6:34 Rob wrote:

> I got a SMS API as mentioned below:
> Whenever I call this URL with respective details it send the sms.
> Now here smsserverusername, smsserverpassword, smsserversenderid &
> mysmsprovider details will remain same for all users. Only details
> going to change is mobilenumber and msgtosend variable. Even we can
> say mobile number will be same for respective user.
> Now is there any way to get from id and subject from mail and pass
> those details into above URL while mail is getting delivered to
> Maildir.

Grab the appropriate variables via formail (ala procmail) and execute
shell script (probably against a lookup table/file with
values) with a wget/curl in it to that URL.

This seems to get more complex as the thread goes on...

Rob Ayer

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