Spamdyke is working with graylisting ?

2011/3/15 Scott Hughes <>

> Currently I use the following items / settings in order to stop the spam
> coming into my QMT system.
> Spamassassin required score 3.5
> Pyzor
> Razor2
> Spamdyke
> Spambox option with the clean-spam script turned on and set to five days
> Using SURBL and blacklists
> I believe that is all of them (at least all I can think of right now).
> My question is this: How can I fine-tune my system to better catch the
> spam. I have one user that gets about 30 spam emails a day and doesn’t ever
> seem to trip spamassassin (in order to get the Spam folder to show up in her
> mailbox folders).  They either are rejected outright or are let in as legit.
> email.
> Thanks,
> Scott

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