Sometimes you guys make me crazy.

This version of qmail-toaster fixes the problems we've had in the past with special characters in email addresses. If you upgrade to this version, you should be fine with leaving chkuser enabled.

At some point in the future we may set up separate tcp.smtp file for submissions which will have chkuser disabled, which I believe is what Tonino (the chkuser author) recently recommended in another thread. IOW, use chkuser for inbound messages, but not submissions.

While it would be nice if spamdyke were to disable spamdyke for authenticated users, this is technically not possible (environment variables cannot be changed once a process has started).

-Eric 'shubes'

On 03/05/2012 10:23 AM, Dan McAllister wrote:
You really shouldn't hijack the thread with a new question...

But as I just wrote to another user, the easy fix is to disable
chkuser... you can do this in the tcp.smtp file -- just don't forget to
do the _*qmailctl cbd *_command when you're done editing the file...

This is a common issue when you have special characters -- some of which
use "illegal" characters in the extended-ascii conversion. Again, I tend
to leave it disabled in my own toaster.


PS: I forgot to mention it to Russ Goodwin earlier, but the entry you
add to the the tcp.smtp file is *SENDER_NOCHECK="1"*

So, for example, my tcp.smtp file looks like this (only trimmed to
remove special entries for my backup servers):,RELAYCLIENT="",SENDER_NOCHECK="1"

On 3/4/2012 12:41 PM, Praveen Kumar wrote:
Hi All,

How i can allow the & character for sending and receiving mail.


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