Il 06/03/2012 18:29, Eric Shubert ha scritto:
On 03/06/2012 08:57 AM, Tonix (Antonio Nati) wrote:
Il 06/03/2012 16:47, Tonix (Antonio Nati) ha scritto:
Il 06/03/2012 16:28, Eric Shubert ha scritto:
On 03/06/2012 07:40 AM, Tonix (Antonio Nati) wrote:
I've made some telnets to your email server, and it looks like
all for @yourdomain.
Is bouncing enabled?

No, I have a catchall account defined. That account is different than
the eric-test account I was using.

Perhaps you're on to something though.

catchall account disables chkuser checking, as it receives emails for
not existing recipients.

of course not all checking is disabled, only recipients.


That explains things.

:-). We are not crazy, finally.

Would you suggest we be using the
by default? It seems to me we should, as the "-anything" extension is a standard part of qmail (unless I'm mistaken). If we should, can it be enabled with an environment variable, or is it strictly a #define setting?

Extensions are used for TMDA (I don't know if it is still used), ezml maling lists, mailman lists, user extensions.

chkuser has different options:
    - user extensions
    - mailman lists
    - ezmlm lists

you do not need user extension if you are in normal situations (I have only ezmlm lists enabled).

You need the user extension if you use TMDA or in cases in which you want to receive extensions. In this case, chkuser checks for recipient existance, and if fails tries again shifting towards left (using '-' as token to search).

With ezmlm and mailman lists enabled, it checks if recipient is associated to a ezmlm/mailman list, and in such a case it accepts extensions for that recipient.

If I understand correctly, applying this setting would fix Russ's problem. Or I suppose he could set a catchall account. Correct?

catchall is to be avoided if possible, as it accept always any recipient and does not give any advantage to traffic/workload. It should be used when you setup a new domain (coming from another ISP) on which you don't know which accounts exist. So, for some time, you accept all recipients and create accounts as you understand which accounts are needed. At end of all you kill the catchall feauture and enable 'bouncing'.

I suggest to create aliases if cases are a few, otherwise enable user extensions.

Hope this helps!


        Inter@zioni            Interazioni di Antonio Nati

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