Strange, I have an opposite opinion on the most of catch-all and delete usage I'm reading here in this thread.

Personally, and as provider of email business, I consider catch-all account useful only when you have a new domain, and customer does not know which mailboxes were running. So you set up a catchall account and start creating all necessary accounts, and stop catch-all when the most of accounts are created.

About deleting all email for not existing users, I consider it a bad service to customers, as they have legitimate raports with business partners, and if someone writes to the wrong address it is correct and ethical to report them back that address is wrong, so they can use another way to contact the recipient, instead of waiting for never coming reply messages. More, the abuse of deletion and missing respect for RFC forces users to ask always for delivery and read receipt, incrementing the volume of useless emails.

About signing headers with authenticating sender address, is a must because it makes senders responsable for what they are sending, and the most of our business customers wants their domain to be used only for legitimate emails,

Of course other opinions may be based on different needs, but I think respect of RFC should always be at first place, otherwise people will look soon for other stable and reliable message delivery methods.

Something I think often about: as email providers, we should look like real postmen: we cannot read (intentionally I mean), lose, damage others emails. Virus and SPAM must be fought, and apart real viruses and real spam all the remaining MUST be delivered. Any not valid damage or loss could be legally pursued.



Il 19/05/2014 21:10, Eric Shubert ha scritto:
On 05/19/2014 08:06 AM, Jim Shupert wrote:
How might one do - have a DELETE rule for badly addressed messages. I
just drop them and forget about it?

is it as easy as: " Set catchall email deleted  "  from admin
in truth ... i thought you HAD to have a catch all account -- yes - i
would rather not.


Personally, I use a catchall account for my domain, and I don't get very much spam there at all. I do a few use a few tools for mitigating this.

1) the badmailto file can specify addresses with a regex. So for example, if your domain accounts don't contain numbers or whatever special characters, or your accounts always follow a certain pattern, you can write badmailto rules to reject these attempts. I used to get a lot of spam with numbers in the account name, and eliminated them witha few badmailto rules. This file can also be used to reject messages to defunct accounts.

2) use spamdyke to blacklist local domains. This seems counter intuitive, but so long as legit users always authenticate and only send email via your server, this works nicely.

That being said, I can see where some domains would want to simply delete these messages. While deleting messages goes against the RFCs, doing so certainly appears to be a best practice. Some rules, while well intended, have unintended consequences. I think this is one such rule.

also that strategy of : " giving each user a separate mailbox name and
e-mail address "
yes , that is interesting -- I can see how that would work
....unfortunately in my current situation folks already have the
"configuration " that we have.
but maybe for a new bunch of folks a new domain

This is a most excellent method of managing user accounts. I've considered doing this, but haven't actually implemented it yet. Along these lines, I've also considered modifying the header record qmail adds so that the authentication account isn't listed in its entirety. This would help to protect the actual account name.

thanks for the food for thought ,,, a hardy meal.


Thanks as well.

        Inter@zioni            Interazioni di Antonio Nati

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