Il 29/08/2014 16:58, Eric Shubert ha scritto:
On 08/29/2014 07:12 AM, Tonix - Antonio Nati wrote:
I don't know if the variable you need is enabled in your

Actually you could put in place this solution:

    Enable (uncomment) the following define in checkuser_settings.h and


    With such option, chkuser is disabled for every aythenticated or
authorized sender which has RELAYCLIENT set (we reccomend this option).

Unfortunately, I've missed this recommendation up to now, and this variable is not set. I'll see about getting this included in the next release of the qmail package.

I'm not sure all have the same needs, and it's a compiling option, so it could not be easy to make a solution for alls.

Actually we suggest to enable it on port 587 and on separate servers which act only as SMTP gateway.

Thinking better, there could be no reason not to use it on port 25 on public MX, percent of people using it instead of dedicated servers would be very small.

Actually, here in Italy, there is a good reason to push customers to use port 587: some important mobile network do no permit access to port 25 on external network, so we suggest our customers to use port 587 also on our dedicated gateways.

So, dedicated SMTP gateways have this option on port 25, 465, 587.

Michele, are you running legacy (*-toaster) packages, or the new ones?

As alternative if you want to disable chkuser from a specific IP:

    Enable (uncomment) the following define in checkuser_settings.h and


    and put in your control file:


Actually, all controls related to too many wrong or existing recipients,
as well as not existin domains or other like that should be set only for
public MX frontends, not for SMTP relays serving only authenticated users.

This brings up an interesting point. It'll be easy enough to disable these controls on port 587. Is there a way though that chkuser can tell if authentication has taken place or not on port 25?

chkuser uses RELAYCLIENT to check if sender is authorized to relay, despite of port.

There is another option which will refuse any message if sender is not authenticated (RELAYCLIENT not set):


So I enable and set this option on port 587 and on servers which only play as SMTP gateway, and it will only accept messages from authorized senders.

Also, can you list the specific controls that you feel should be disabled for authenticated sessions?

Actually, I suggest disabling whole chkuser for each authenticated session.
Only in this way desktop clients may manage complex errors, and send anyway messages, receiving back from SMTP server detailed negative answers for singles failures.

In case of public MX frontend, instead, I'd esclude all formal controls, keeping on tarpitting, dns & MX checking on senders (on rcpt DNS and MX controls could be useless, as the right domain should always exist in rcptcontrol), and full recipients checking of course.



        Inter@zioni            Interazioni di Antonio Nati

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