Hi Eric,
I have tried first step and installed successfully then it's shows below
A new include directive was added:


    If you plan to use it in a VirtualDomain please delete
    the include directive from httpd.conf and  add it  in
    your VirtualDomain

Based on that I have configured
Now I could be able to open the webpage and see the emails.
But I have face another problem.

I cannot send email from webmail to the same domain and another domains.
It's shown below error message.

Message not sent. Server replied:

Temporary authentication failure
454 oops, problem with child and I can't auth (#4.3.0)

Could you help me to fix this issue.

On Thu, Apr 14, 2016 at 9:03 PM, Eric <ebr...@whitehorsetc.com> wrote:

> Hi Chandran,
> # wget
> http://mirror2.qmailtoaster.com/current/CentOS/6/x86_64/squirrelmail-1.4.22-0.qt.el6.x86_64.rpm
> # rpm -Uvh squirrelmail-1.4.22-0.qt.el6.x86_64.rpm
> You could also do:
> # yum localinstall squirrelmail-1.4.22-0.qt.el6.x86_64.rpm
> Let me know how it works out.
> EricB
> On 4/14/2016 4:58 AM, Chandran Manikandan wrote:
> Hi Eric,
> Could you let me know how to install Squirrelmail again without affect any
> existing package and emails.
> Can i try qt-install or other method.
> On Thu, Apr 7, 2016 at 2:46 PM, Chandran Manikandan <
> <tech2m...@gmail.com>tech2m...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Eric,
>> Thank you.
>> I have removed existing squirrelmail.rpm file and my qt repo below.
>> qmailtoaster-dist.repo
>> qmailtoaster-nodist.repo
>> So please help me to fix this squirrelmail issue.
>> qmailtoaster-dist.repo file
>> [qmailtoaster-current]
>> name=QmailToaster current - CentOS $releasever
>> mirrorlist=http://mirrors.qmailtoaster.com/current/CentOS/mirror.list
>> enabled=0
>> gpgcheck=1
>> gpgkey=file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-qmailtoaster
>> priority=7
>> # packages being tested, not for production hosts
>> [qmailtoaster-testing]
>> name=QmailToaster testing - CentOS $releasever
>> mirrorlist=http://mirrors.qmailtoaster.com/testing/CentOS/mirror.list
>> enabled=1
>> gpgcheck=1
>> gpgkey=file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-qmailtoaster
>> priority=7
>> # packages being developed, for developer use only
>> [qmailtoaster-devel]
>> name=QmailToaster development - CentOS $releasever
>> mirrorlist=http://mirrors.qmailtoaster.com/devel/CentOS/mirror.list
>> enabled=0
>> gpgcheck=0
>> gpgkey=file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-shubes
>> priority=7
>> qmailtoaster-nodist.repo file below
>> # qmailtoaster-nodist.repo
>> #
>> # The QmailToaster nodist repo supports multiple distros, as well as
>> universal
>> # rpms containing scripts that can be used on any platform or arch.
>> #
>> # Packages for specific distros are found by their respective repo file.
>> #
>> # The 'current' repos are considered production worthy, aka stable.
>> # The 'testing' repos are considered beta, and should not be used in
>> production.
>> # The 'devel' repos are considered alpha, and should be used only by
>> developers.
>> #
>> # Packages in the current repos have all been promoted from testing,
>> # and signed with the qmailtoaster key.
>> # If you have installed a package from the testing repo, there is no
>> purpose
>> # in reinstalling it after it's been promoted into current.
>> #
>> # Packages in testing have been newly built (they're not development
>> copies),
>> # and are signed with the qmailtoaster key.
>> #
>> # Packages in devel may or may not be signed by the developer.
>> #
>> # If the mirrorlist= does not work for you, as a fall back you can try the
>> # remarked out baseurl= line instead.
>> #
>> # current (stable) packages
>> [qmailtoaster-current-nodist]
>> name=QmailToaster current - nodist (universal)
>> mirrorlist=http://mirrors.qmailtoaster.com/current/nodist/mirror.list
>> #baseurl=http://mirrors.qmailtoaster.com/current/nodist
>> enabled=0
>> gpgcheck=1
>> gpgkey=file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-qmailtoaster
>> priority=7
>> # packages being tested, not for production hosts
>> [qmailtoaster-testing-nodist]
>> name=QmailToaster testing - nodist (universal)
>> mirrorlist=http://mirrors.qmailtoaster.com/testing/nodist/mirror.list
>> #baseurl=http://mirrors.qmailtoaster.com/testing/nodist
>> enabled=1
>> gpgcheck=1
>> gpgkey=file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-qmailtoaster
>> priority=7
>> # packages being developed, for developer use only
>> [qmailtoaster-devel-nodist]
>> name=QmailToaster devel - nodist (universal)
>> mirrorlist=http://mirrors.qmailtoaster.com/devel/nodist/mirror.list
>> #baseurl=http://mirrors.qmailtoaster.com/devel/nodist
>> enabled=0
>> gpgcheck=0
>> gpgkey=file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-shubes
>> priority=7
>> Thank you in advance
>> On Tue, Apr 5, 2016 at 10:58 PM, Eric < <ebr...@whitehorsetc.com>
>> ebr...@whitehorsetc.com> wrote:
>>> Yes, your QT squirrelmail got overwritten by another repo.
>>> Remove squirrelmail (yum remove squirrelmail) and install QT
>>> squirrelmail
>>> from mirrors. What's the priority on your QT repo in /etc/yum.repos.d?
>>> On 4/3/2016 10:16 PM, Chandran Manikandan wrote:
>>> Hi Eric,
>>> This machine had qmailtoaster with all packages was running fine earlier.
>>> I had updated all packages through webmin two days back.
>>> Email is working fine in outlook and thunderbird after updated the
>>> packages.
>>> But webmail(Squirrelmail) is not opening the page and shown above error.
>>> I have gone through yum.log . it show below package for squirrelmail.
>>> Mar 31 12:59:54 Updated: squirrelmail-1.4.22-4.el6.noarch
>>> Then I have checked squirrelmail rpm in my server it shows below.
>>> which squirrelmail
>>> /usr/bin/which: no squirrelmail in
>>> (/usr/lib64/qt-3.3/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/root/bin)
>>> Is it any overwrited existing packages after updated or any file
>>> permission in squirrelmail folder. path:  /usr/share/squirrelmail
>>> Should i need to reinstall the squirrelmail package. If yes could you
>>> let me know the steps.
>>> Could you help me .
>>> On Mon, Apr 4, 2016 at 2:26 AM, Eric < <ebr...@whitehorsetc.com>
>>> ebr...@whitehorsetc.com> wrote:
>>>> Chandran,
>>>> I'm not sure what's not working. Can you explain?
>>>> What squirrelmail package is installed and where did it come from?
>>>> What vpopmail and dovecot packages are installed.
>>>> EricB
>>>> On 4/2/2016 11:40 PM, Chandran Manikandan wrote:
>>>> Hi All,
>>>> I have running cenots 6.6 64 bit machine.
>>>> I have updated all packages through webmin.
>>>> Am running qmailtoaster in the same machine.
>>>> Squirrelmail is not working after updated the packages.
>>>> It's shows welcome screen.
>>>> virtual host config and squirrelmail config files are not change
>>>> anything.
>>>> Below is log for mail.xxxx.com url from server.
>>>> Options FollowSymLinks or SymLinksIfOwnerMatch is off which implies
>>>> that RewriteRule directive is forbidden: /usr/share/squirrelmail/
>>>> squirrelmail.conf below
>>>> <IfModule mod_alias.c>
>>>> Alias /webmail /usr/share/squirrelmail/
>>>> </IfModule>
>>>> <Directory /usr/share/squirrelmail>
>>>>   Options SymLinksIfOwnerMatch
>>>>   DirectoryIndex index.php
>>>>   Options Indexes MultiViews
>>>>    AllowOverride None
>>>>   Order allow,deny
>>>>   allow from all
>>>> </Directory>
>>>> httpd.conf below
>>>> <VirtualHost>
>>>>    ServerName mail.xxxx.in
>>>>    ServerAlias xxxx.in/webmail
>>>>    ServerAdmin <postmas...@xxxx.in>postmas...@xxxx.in
>>>>    DocumentRoot /usr/share/squirrelmail
>>>>    ErrorLog logs/mail.xxxx-error_log
>>>>    TransferLog logs/mail.xxxx-access_log
>>>> </VirtualHost>
>>>> Could anyone help me to fix my issue
>>>> --
>>>> *Thanks,*
>>>> *Manikandan.C*
>>>> *System Administrator*
>>> --
>>> *Thanks,*
>>> *Manikandan.C*
>>> *System Administrator*
>> --
>> *Thanks,*
>> *Manikandan.C*
>> *System Administrator*
> --
> *Thanks,*
> *Manikandan.C*
> *System Administrator*

*System Administrator*

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