>I am interested in installing QPopper with TLS/SSL, as this seems like it
>would be the most secure configuration with regards to user authentication
>and message contents.  I am vaguely familiar with APOP, Kerberos, and PAM.
>Is their any advantage to running SSL/TLS QPopper with any of these other
>protocols, or is SSL/TLS sufficient on it's own?

Note: I'm a Kerberos guy, so I'm biased.

I hesitate to call PAM "authentication"; it's really just a way to pass in
a plaintext password to different backends, so it's orthogonal to TLS.

I think Kerberos is technically superior to TLS as most people use TLS
(note when I say Kerberos, I mean using Kerberos via GSSAPI which gives
you authentication _and_ encryption, not KPOP), because while some people
do use certificates with TLS, let's face it: no one has even tried to
address revocation in that environment, and I don't think the use of
client certificates is really that widespread.  If you're not using
certificates, then the encryption that TLS provides is useful but not

The _big_ drawback to Kerberos is nowhere near as many clients support
it as support TLS.


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