On Wed, Apr 03, 2002 at 03:04:04PM -0500, Michael Caplan wrote:
> Hello,
> I am new to POP3 servers and was hoping that folks on this list would be
> able to offer some suggestions on security.
> I am interested in installing QPopper with TLS/SSL, as this seems like it
> would be the most secure configuration with regards to user authentication
> and message contents.  I am vaguely familiar with APOP, Kerberos, and PAM.
> Is their any advantage to running SSL/TLS QPopper with any of these other
> protocols, or is SSL/TLS sufficient on it's own?

The point of TLS is to obscure the username/password exchange via
encryption; Kerberos and APOP on the other hand provide alternative
authentication methods which don't require the exchange of a password. 

I would view them as providing less security advantage in the TLS

PAM, as noted by the other reply, is just a programmatic interface to
different authentication mechanisms, and not a protocol; it doesn't
affect the visible exchange with the user/client.

> One other concern I have with the general "stability" of QPopper itself in
> terms of the developer turnaround time for dealing with new exploits.  From
> what I can tell from the Eudora site, QPopper 4.0.4 has been in Beta sine
> September 2001.  Is QPopper still being actively developed? 

Yes it definitely is.

> It seems to me
> that there are 2 significant security alerts that have yet to be resolved:
> The 2048+ characters exploit
> http://www.digitux.net/security/advisories.html?id=34&display=info, and the
> 'popauth' Module Symlink Bug
> http://securitytracker.com/alerts/2001/Dec/1003005.html  Can I expect a
> rapid turnaround time for bug resolution?

IMHO "yes", as regards patches being available; "no" as regards new
releases getting rolled out with those fixes.

The popauth thing doesn't seem as serious to me in that most
installations simply don't build or use popauth.  Maybe that's a case
of tunnel vision on my part.  Nonetheless it should get addressed.

I've already said my piece on the Digitux thing recently, so I don't
want to beat that horse again.  See the archive if you're curious.

  -- Clifton

    Clifton Royston  --  LavaNet Systems Architect --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"What do we need to make our world come alive?  
   What does it take to make us sing?
 While we're waiting for the next one to arrive..." - Sisters of Mercy

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