I explained at some length my position on this in a previous email.
I have disabled replying to the "sender", but I think the argument has
not necessarily come to the right conclusions. Some people are making
a very complex issue into an over-simplification, because they do not
know how they can block such warnings when they know they never send
virus ridden emails.

Anyway, as far as I am concerned this discussion has come to an end.
When a prominent person on this calls me a bastard, and sends me private
threatening email that he will involve me in an expensive legal court cases 
if he gets a single message from my virus checker (legal nonsense of course, 
he would not have a cat's chance in hell)..and further threatens me that he 
can get me dumped by my ISP because he has lots of contact with Dutch ISP's 
(almost certainly a lie) then things have become pretty pathetic.

This is a serious issue...but this is obviously not really the right
place to discuss it I suppose. 

Yes, I was wrong about the reverse DNS lookup, I must have been thinking
about something else.

The only thing I would add is that the discussion has shown a lot of
people cannot differentiate between spam mail and virus-infections. They
seem to have them all jumbled up in their minds as the same thing.

Anyway..back to qpopper.

   Cliff Sarginson 
   The Netherlands

[ This mail has been checked as virus-free ]

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