> > It seems as if qpopper doesn't rollback a POP3 transaction which is
> > abnormaly terminated (e.g. by some kind of networkign error).
> IIRC, and this is without having RTFM'd for quite a while, the default
> behavior of QPopper is to obey a deletion even if the session terminates
> abnormally.  This isn't RFC and requires a compile option or a config file
> (run-time) option.

I need to correct myself and say that defeating this behavior requires the
extra option.  I found this information in the QPopper administration

Compile time option:

--enable-updateabort (default)


By default, Qpopper enters update
state on a session abort. Disabling
this option causes Qpopper to
ignore any deletions if the session
is aborted.

Note that RFC 1939, section 6
prohibits the Qpopper default
behavior, but experience showed
that otherwise users on noisy lines
were often unable to delete their
mail. Disable this option to inhibit
the default behavior, and obey RFC

Config file option:


       Alan W. Rateliff, II        :       RATELIFF.NET
 Independent Technology Consultant :    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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