The only way arround is to change the spool locking mechanism.
The spool (/var/mail/username) should stay locked as long the tmp
file exists. Right now it gets unlocked after the tmp file is created to allow
new mail to arrive, but if quota is exceeded we don't want new mail because
it will be appended to the old mail! The local delivery agent should wait if it tries to deliver to a locked spool.

for an thourough explanation see

and an answer from  Randall Gellens:
which sais that
"An option to hold the lock may make sense for some circumstances...this should not be default behavior"

anyway we have modified the sources, and we have no more problems with quotas.

I've put up changes in source code for qpopper 4.0.5 (that could
be imported in newer versions). You can find the changes along with the
originals here:

Alan Brown wrote:

On Wed, 28 Sep 2005, Edward Chase wrote:

I did try a soft quota of 2x the hard, but that doesn't work either.  Mail
will just keep coming in until it reaches the upper limit of the soft quota.

The trick is to set the grace period between soft and hard quotas as
short as possible.

Spiros  Ioannou
Image, Video and Multimedia Systems Laboratory
National Technical University of Athens
School of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Computer Science Division
Tel: +30-2107722491, +30-6973903808

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