On Thu, Sep 29, 2005 at 06:06:47PM -0400, Edward Chase wrote:
> I just had a thought...
> Would I be better off if my webmail users were using IMAP instead of POP?
> Right now my webmail users are using Endymion Mailman.
> http://www.endymion.com/products/mailman/
  In general IMAP is a better design fit with webmail applications...

> Would I be better off if they were using Squirrelmail?
> http://www.squirrelmail.org/

  ... however, IMAP can thrash your mailserver just as bad as popper,
if you don't use persistent connections in the webmail server, as it
will essentially run a fresh connection (or several) for every mouse

  This used to be a very difficult problem to solve, but in the past
couple years a session-caching imap proxy has gotten pretty solid.  If
you configure Squirrelmail to connect to the port of the imap proxy,
the proxy to connect to your IMAP server, then your webmail server
should have pretty similar functionality to a regular mail client.

  Disclaimer: I had this running and looking good, but never got it
into production before I was pulled off the project.

  -- Clifton

          Clifton Royston  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
         Tiki Technologies Lead Programmer/Software Architect
  "My own personal theory is that this is the very dawn of the world.
We're hardly more than an eyeblink away from the fall of Troy, and
scarcely an interglaciation removed from the Altamira cave painters. We
live in extremely interesting ancient times.
  I like this idea. It encourages us to be earnest and ingenious and
brave, as befits ancestral peoples; but keeps us from deciding that
because we don't know all the answers, they must be unknowable and thus
unprofitable to pursue."  -- Teresa Nielsen Hayden, 1995 

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