On Fri, 17 Mar 2006 14:07:35 -0800
Ask Bjørn Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Mar 16, 2006, at 10:38 PM, Hanno Hecker (via RT) wrote:
> I'd like to see a patch that makes a better API for reading the  
> command and the command parameters.  The default can still be having  
> it space separated and provided in @_, but the hacks in mail() and  
> rcpt() to read the rest aren't very nice so we should have an API to  
> make it neater.
> Maybe just have a method to give the full unmodified command and use  
> that, I don't know.
Ok, this is a first (draft of a ;->) patch. The Qpsmtpd::Command
contents can easily be moved to Qpsmtpd::SMTP if desired. 
This patch adds some hooks:
 * (helo|ehlo|mail|rcpt|auth|unrecognized_command)_parse:
   i.e. all commands, which accept arguments (except VRFY).
   these hooks get no arguments except 
   They MUST return(OK, \&ref_to_parsing_sub); to be the parser
   for this command (in fact any return code from Constants.pm
   which stops any other following plugin is ok).
   The ref_to_parsing_sub() gets $self, $cmd, $line as arguments.
   $self is here a Qpsmtpd::Command, which inherits from
   Qpsmtpd::SMTP, so the usual $self->log(LOGDEBUG, "bla") stuff 
   $cmd is the name of the command (i.e. the chars up to the first
   space in the line from the client), $line the rest of the line.
   This sub MUST return ($parsing_ok, $first, @param), like 
   the default
      return($cmd, split(/ +/, $line));
   The parse_addr_withhelo plugin enforces strict RFC 821 parsing, 
   which does not allow RCPT/MAIL parameters (a quick'n'dirty demo
   plugin :-))

 * (mail|rcpt)_pre
   these hooks get $self,$transaction,$addr. $addr is the $first
   from above.
   Here the 'dont_require_angelbrackets' plugin adds the "<",">" 
   if not present to establish the current (i.e. without this patch) 
   behaviour of accepting addresses without the <>.
   This (for example) can also be used to strip a trailing dot from an
   address, if wanted 

Docs will follow later if it's finished

> Also: Tests, please!   It's pretty simple to add tests for "is the  
> parsing working right".
ok, done.... sometimes it fails (but never from telnet to port 2525)
this seems to be a strange thing in 'make test'. Does 'make test' run
the commands in the same order every time?

> To add to the bikeshedding, I don't think it should be configurable  
> -- it'd be fun to require them and see how it goes.  If it doesn't  
> work well, then just make them optional again and a rcpt_pre plugin  
> can make them required for those who want that.  Options in the core  
> are bad, generally speaking.
hmm, ok, now we have a plugin which does exactly that... don't load ->
no addresses without brackets are accepted ;-)


diff -Nurx.svn ../0.3x/config.sample/plugins ./config.sample/plugins
--- ../0.3x/config.sample/plugins       2006-01-13 07:28:49.000000000 +0100
+++ ./config.sample/plugins     2006-03-18 19:35:28.000000000 +0100
@@ -12,6 +12,13 @@
 # from one IP!
+# enable to accept MAIL FROM:/RCPT TO: addresses without surrounding <>
+# dont_require_angelbrackets
+# enable to reject MAIL FROM:/RCPT TO: parameters if client helo was HELO
+# (strict RFC 821)... this is not used in EHLO ...
+# parse_addr_withhelo
diff -Nurx.svn ../0.3x/lib/Apache/Qpsmtpd.pm ./lib/Apache/Qpsmtpd.pm
--- ../0.3x/lib/Apache/Qpsmtpd.pm       2005-11-20 10:52:17.000000000 +0100
+++ ./lib/Apache/Qpsmtpd.pm     2006-03-18 19:30:04.000000000 +0100
@@ -131,8 +131,10 @@
     while (defined(my $data = $self->getline)) {
         $data =~ s/\r?\n$//s; # advanced chomp
         $self->log(LOGDEBUG, "dispatching $data");
-        defined $self->dispatch(split / +/, $data)
-            or $self->respond(502, "command unrecognized: '$data'");
+        $data =~ s/^\s*//;
+        my ($cmd, $line) = split / +/, $data, 2);
+        defined $self->dispatch($cmd, $line)
+            or $self->respond(502, "command unrecognized: '$cmd'");
         last if $self->{_quitting};
diff -Nurx.svn ../0.3x/lib/Qpsmtpd/Command.pm ./lib/Qpsmtpd/Command.pm
--- ../0.3x/lib/Qpsmtpd/Command.pm      1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ ./lib/Qpsmtpd/Command.pm    2006-03-18 18:29:45.000000000 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+package Qpsmtpd::Command;
+# use Qpsmtpd::SMTP;
+use Qpsmtpd::Constants;
+use vars qw(@ISA);
[EMAIL PROTECTED] = qw(Qpsmtpd::SMTP);
+use strict;
+sub parse {
+    my ($me,$cmd,$line,$sub) = @_;
+    my $self = {};
+    bless $self, $me;
+    $cmd = lc $1;
+    if ($sub and (ref($sub) eq 'CODE')) {
+        my @ret = eval { $sub->($self, $cmd, $line); };
+        if ($@) {
+            $self->log(LOGERROR, "Failed to parse command [$cmd]: $@");
+            return (undef, $line, ());
+        }
+        my @log = @ret;
+        for (@log) {
+            $_ ||= "";
+        }
+        $self->log(LOGDEBUG, "parse($cmd) => [".join("], [", @log)."]");
+        return @ret;
+    } 
+    my $parse = "parse_$cmd";
+    if ($self->can($parse)) {
+        # print "CMD=$cmd,line=$line\n";
+        my @out = eval { $self->$parse($cmd, $line); };
+        if ($@) {
+            $self->log(LOGERROR, "XXX: $@");
+            return(undef, $line, ());
+        }
+        return @out;
+    }
+    return($cmd, split(/ +/, $line)); # default :)
+sub parse_rcpt {
+    my ($self,$cmd,$line) = @_;
+    return undef unless $line =~ s/^to:\s*//i;
+    return &_get_mail_params($cmd, $line);
+sub parse_mail {
+    my ($self,$cmd,$line) = @_;
+    return undef unless $line =~ s/^from:\s*//i;
+    return &_get_mail_params($cmd, $line);
+sub _get_mail_params {
+    my ($cmd,$line) = @_;
+    my @params = ();
+    $line =~ s/\s*$//;
+    # start stripping parameters from the end, so the last thing not a 
+    # parameter must be an address... 
+    # see also RFC 1869
+    # while ($line =~ s/ +([A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9\-]*)=([^= \x00-\x1f]+)$//) {
+    while ($line =~ s/\s+([A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9\-]*=[^= \x00-\x1f]+)$//) {
+        push @params, $1;
+    }
+    # the above will "fail" on something like
+    #       MAIL FROM: <user=example.net> FOO=bar)
+    # so let's see if $line contains nothing and treat the first value 
+    # as address:
+    unless ($line) {
+        $line = pop(@params) || "<>"; # treat 'MAIL FROM:' as 'MAIL FROM:<>'
+    }
+    # now there's just an address in $line, no spaces around it
+    # ...ready to feed Qpsmtpd::Address...
+    #### XXX:  No: let this do a plugin, so it's not up to us to decide
+    ####       if we require <> around an address :-)
+    # unless ($line =~ /^<.*>$/) {
+    #     $line = "<".$line.">"; 
+    # }
+    return ($cmd, $line, @params);
diff -Nurx.svn ../0.3x/lib/Qpsmtpd/Plugin.pm ./lib/Qpsmtpd/Plugin.pm
--- ../0.3x/lib/Qpsmtpd/Plugin.pm       2006-03-04 08:36:21.000000000 +0100
+++ ./lib/Qpsmtpd/Plugin.pm     2006-03-18 14:03:26.000000000 +0100
@@ -4,11 +4,12 @@
 # more or less in the order they will fire
 our @hooks = qw(
-    logging config pre-connection connect ehlo helo
-    auth auth-plain auth-login auth-cram-md5
-    rcpt mail data data_post queue_pre queue queue_post
+    logging config pre-connection connect ehlo_parse ehlo helo_parse helo
+    auth_parse auth auth-plain auth-login auth-cram-md5
+    rcpt_parse rcpt_pre rcpt mail_parse mail mail_pre 
+    data data_post queue_pre queue queue_post
     quit reset_transaction disconnect post-connection
-    unrecognized_command deny ok
+    unrecognized_command_parse unrecognized_command deny ok
 our %hooks = map { $_ => 1 } @hooks;
diff -Nurx.svn ../0.3x/lib/Qpsmtpd/SMTP.pm ./lib/Qpsmtpd/SMTP.pm
--- ../0.3x/lib/Qpsmtpd/SMTP.pm 2006-03-07 14:59:22.000000000 +0100
+++ ./lib/Qpsmtpd/SMTP.pm       2006-03-18 19:27:23.000000000 +0100
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
 use Qpsmtpd::Constants;
 use Qpsmtpd::Auth;
 use Qpsmtpd::Address ();
+use Qpsmtpd::Command;
 use Mail::Header ();
 #use Data::Dumper;
@@ -47,11 +48,15 @@
 sub dispatch {
   my $self = shift;
   my ($cmd) = lc shift;
+  my $line = shift;
   if ($cmd !~ /^(\w{1,12})$/ or !exists $self->{_commands}->{$1}) {
-    my ($rc, $msg) = $self->run_hooks("unrecognized_command", $cmd, @_);
+    my ($rc, $msg) = $self->run_hooks("unrecognized_command_parse");
+    my ($ok, $cmd, @params) = Qpsmtpd::Command->parse($cmd, $line, $msg);
+    ($rc, $msg) = $self->run_hooks("unrecognized_command", $cmd, @params);
     if ($rc == DENY_DISCONNECT) {
       $self->respond(521, $msg);
@@ -70,7 +75,7 @@
   $cmd = $1;
   if (1 or $self->{_commands}->{$cmd} and $self->can($cmd)) {
-    my ($result) = eval { $self->$cmd(@_) };
+    my ($result) = eval { $self->$cmd($line) };
     $self->log(LOGERROR, "XX: $@") if $@;
     return $result if defined $result;
     return $self->fault("command '$cmd' failed unexpectedly");
@@ -140,13 +145,15 @@
 sub helo {
-  my ($self, $hello_host, @stuff) = @_;
+  my ($self, $line) = @_;
+  my ($rc, $msg) = $self->run_hooks('helo_parse');
+  my ($ok, $hello_host, @stuff) = Qpsmtpd::Command->parse('helo', $line, $msg);
   return $self->respond (501,
     "helo requires domain/address - see RFC-2821") unless $hello_host;
   my $conn = $self->connection;
   return $self->respond (503, "but you already said HELO ...") if $conn->hello;
-  my ($rc, $msg) = $self->run_hooks("helo", $hello_host, @stuff);
+  ($rc, $msg) = $self->run_hooks("helo", $hello_host, @stuff);
   if ($rc == DONE) {
     # do nothing
   } elsif ($rc == DENY) {
@@ -168,13 +175,15 @@
 sub ehlo {
-  my ($self, $hello_host, @stuff) = @_;
+  my ($self, $line) = @_; 
+  my ($rc, $msg) = $self->run_hooks('ehlo_parse');
+  my ($ok, $hello_host, @stuff) = Qpsmtpd::Command->parse('ehlo', $line, $msg);
   return $self->respond (501,
     "ehlo requires domain/address - see RFC-2821") unless $hello_host;
   my $conn = $self->connection;
   return $self->respond (503, "but you already said HELO ...") if $conn->hello;
-  my ($rc, $msg) = $self->run_hooks("ehlo", $hello_host, @stuff);
+  ($rc, $msg) = $self->run_hooks("ehlo", $hello_host, @stuff);
   if ($rc == DONE) {
     # do nothing
   } elsif ($rc == DENY) {
@@ -226,8 +235,10 @@
 sub auth {
-    my ( $self, $arg, @stuff ) = @_;
+    my ( $self, $line ) = @_;
+    my ($rc, $sub) = $self->run_hooks('auth_parse');
+    my ($ok, $arg, @stuff) = Qpsmtpd::Command->parse('auth', $line, $sub);
     #they AUTH'd once already
     return $self->respond( 503, "but you already said AUTH ..." )
       if ( defined $self->{_auth}
@@ -239,9 +250,7 @@
 sub mail {
-  my $self = shift;
-  return $self->respond(501, "syntax error in parameters") if !$_[0] or $_[0] 
!~ m/^from:/i;
+  my ($self,$line) = @_;
   # -> from RFC2821
   # The MAIL command (or the obsolete SEND, SOML, or SAML commands)
   # begins a mail transaction.  Once started, a mail transaction
@@ -266,16 +275,29 @@
     return $self->respond(503, "please say hello first ...");
   else {
-    my $from_parameter = join " ", @_;
-    $self->log(LOGINFO, "full from_parameter: $from_parameter");
-    my ($from) = ($from_parameter =~ m/^from:\s*(<[^>]*>)/i)[0];
-    # support addresses without <> ... maybe we shouldn't?
-    ($from) = "<" . ($from_parameter =~ m/^from:\s*(\S+)/i)[0] . ">"
-      unless $from;
+    $self->log(LOGINFO, "full from_parameter: $line");
+    my ($rc, $msg) = $self->run_hooks("mail_parse");
+    my ($ok,$from,@params) = Qpsmtpd::Command->parse('mail', $line, $msg);
+    return $self->respond(501, "syntax error in parameters") 
+      unless ($ok and $from);
+    my %param;
+    foreach (@params) {
+        my ($k,$v) = split /=/, $_, 2;
+        $param{lc $k} = $v;
+    }
+    # to support addresses without <> we now require a plugin
+    # hooking "mail_pre" to 
+    #   return (OK, "<$from>"); 
+    # or anything else parseable by Qpsmtpd::Address ;->
+    # see also comment in sub rcpt()
+    ($rc, $msg) = $self->run_hooks("mail_pre", $from);
+    # $self->log(LOGALERT, "RC=$rc, MSG=$msg");
+    if ($rc == OK) {
+      $from = $msg;
+    }
     $self->log(LOGALERT, "from email address : [$from]");
+    return $self->respond(501, "could not parse your mail from command") 
+      unless $from =~ /^<.*>$/;
     if ($from eq "<>" or $from =~ m/\[undefined\]/ or $from eq "<[EMAIL 
       $from = Qpsmtpd::Address->new("<>");
@@ -284,8 +306,8 @@
       $from = (Qpsmtpd::Address->parse($from))[0];
     return $self->respond(501, "could not parse your mail from command") 
unless $from;
-    my ($rc, $msg) = $self->run_hooks("mail", $from);
+    ($rc, $msg) = $self->run_hooks("mail", $from, %param);
     if ($rc == DONE) {
       return 1;
@@ -320,18 +342,39 @@
 sub rcpt {
-  my $self = shift;
-  return $self->respond(501, "syntax error in parameters") unless $_[0] and 
$_[0] =~ m/^to:/i;
+  my ($self,$line) = @_;
+  my ($rc, $msg) = $self->run_hooks("rcpt_parse");
+  my ($ok, $rcpt, @param) = Qpsmtpd::Command->parse("rcpt", $line, $msg);
+  return $self->respond(501, "syntax error in parameters") 
+    unless ($ok and $rcpt);
   return $self->respond(503, "Use MAIL before RCPT") unless 
-  my ($rcpt) = ($_[0] =~ m/to:(.*)/i)[0];
-  $rcpt = $_[1] unless $rcpt;
+  my %param;
+  foreach (@param) {
+    my ($k,$v) = split /=/, $_, 2;
+    $param{lc $k} = $v;
+  }
+  # to support addresses without <> we now require a plugin
+  # hooking "rcpt_pre" to 
+  #   return (OK, "<$rcpt>"); 
+  # or anything else parseable by Qpsmtpd::Address ;->
+  # this means, a plugin can decide to (pre-)accept
+  # addresses like <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> or <[EMAIL PROTECTED] >
+  # by removing the trailing "."/" " from this example...
+  ($rc, $msg) = $self->run_hooks("rcpt_pre", $rcpt);
+  if ($rc == OK) {
+    $rcpt = $msg;
+  }
   $self->log(LOGALERT, "to email address : [$rcpt]");
+  return $self->respond(501, "could not parse recipient") 
+    unless $rcpt =~ /^<.*>$/;
   $rcpt = (Qpsmtpd::Address->parse($rcpt))[0];
-  return $self->respond(501, "could not parse recipient") unless $rcpt;
+  return $self->respond(501, "could not parse recipient") 
+    unless ($rcpt || $rcpt->format eq '<>');
-  my ($rc, $msg) = $self->run_hooks("rcpt", $rcpt);
+  ($rc, $msg) = $self->run_hooks("rcpt", $rcpt, %param);
   if ($rc == DONE) {
     return 1;
diff -Nurx.svn ../0.3x/lib/Qpsmtpd/SelectServer.pm ./lib/Qpsmtpd/SelectServer.pm
--- ../0.3x/lib/Qpsmtpd/SelectServer.pm 2005-11-20 10:52:18.000000000 +0100
+++ ./lib/Qpsmtpd/SelectServer.pm       2006-03-18 19:30:26.000000000 +0100
@@ -121,8 +121,10 @@
                 else {
                     $qp->log(LOGINFO, "dispatching $req");
-                    defined $qp->dispatch(split / +/, $req)
-                        or $qp->respond(502, "command unrecognized: '$req'");
+                    $req =~ s/^\s*//;
+                    my ($cmd,$line) = split / +/, $req, 2);
+                    defined $qp->dispatch($cmd, $line)
+                        or $qp->respond(502, "command unrecognized: '$cmd'");
             delete $ready{$client};
diff -Nurx.svn ../0.3x/lib/Qpsmtpd/TcpServer.pm ./lib/Qpsmtpd/TcpServer.pm
--- ../0.3x/lib/Qpsmtpd/TcpServer.pm    2006-01-13 07:28:50.000000000 +0100
+++ ./lib/Qpsmtpd/TcpServer.pm  2006-03-18 14:26:24.000000000 +0100
@@ -63,8 +63,10 @@
     $_ =~ s/\r?\n$//s; # advanced chomp
     $self->log(LOGDEBUG, "dispatching $_");
     $self->connection->notes('original_string', $_);
-    defined $self->dispatch(split / +/, $_)
-      or $self->respond(502, "command unrecognized: '$_'");
+    $_ =~ s/^\s*//;
+    my ($cmd, $line) = split /\s+/, $_, 2;
+    defined $self->dispatch($cmd, $line)
+      or $self->respond(502, "command unrecognized: '$cmd'");
     alarm $timeout;
diff -Nurx.svn ../0.3x/plugins/dont_require_angelbrackets 
--- ../0.3x/plugins/dont_require_angelbrackets  1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 
+++ ./plugins/dont_require_angelbrackets        2006-03-18 19:33:32.000000000 
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# dont_require_angelbrackets - accept addresses in MAIL FROM:/RCPT TO: 
+#        commands without surrounding <>
+sub hook_mail_pre {
+    my ($self,$transaction, $addr) = @_;
+    unless ($addr =~ /^<.*>$/) {
+        $addr = "<".$addr.">";
+    }
+    return (OK, $addr);
+sub hook_rcpt_pre {
+    my ($self,$transaction, $addr) = @_;
+    unless ($addr =~ /^<.*>$/) {
+        $addr = "<".$addr.">";
+    }
+    return (OK, $addr);
diff -Nurx.svn ../0.3x/plugins/parse_addr_withhelo ./plugins/parse_addr_withhelo
--- ../0.3x/plugins/parse_addr_withhelo 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ ./plugins/parse_addr_withhelo       2006-03-18 19:01:31.000000000 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+# parse_addr_withhelo
+# strict RFC 821 forbids parameters after the 
+#  and
+# load this plugin to enforce, else the default EHLO parsing with 
+# parameters is done.
+sub hook_mail_parse {
+    my $self = shift;
+    if ($self->qp->connection->hello eq 'helo') {
+        return (OK, \&_parse);
+    }
+    return (DECLINED);
+sub hook_rcpt_parse {
+    my $self = shift;
+    if ($self->qp->connection->hello eq 'helo') {
+        return (OK, \&_parse);
+    }
+    return (DECLINED);
+sub _parse {
+    my ($self,$cmd,$line) = @_;
+    $self->log(LOGERROR, "_parse() cmd=[$cmd], line=[$line]");
+    if ($cmd eq 'mail') {
+        return(undef, $line, ())
+            unless ($line =~ s/^from://i);
+    }
+    else { # cmd eq 'rcpt' ;->
+        return(undef, $line, ())
+            unless ($line =~ s/^to://i);
+    }
+    if ($line =~ s/^\s*(<.*>)//) {
+        my $addr = $1;
+        if ($line =~ /^\s*\S+.*$/) {
+            return (undef, $line, ());
+        } 
+        else {
+            return ($cmd, $addr, ());
+        }
+    }
+    elsif ($line =~ /[EMAIL PROTECTED]/) {
+        return (undef, $line, ());
+    }
+    else {
+        $line =~ s/^\s*//;
+        $line =~ s/\s*$//;
+        return ($cmd, $line, ());
+    }
diff -Nurx.svn ../0.3x/t/addresses.t ./t/addresses.t
--- ../0.3x/t/addresses.t       2005-11-20 10:52:17.000000000 +0100
+++ ./t/addresses.t     2006-03-18 19:20:08.000000000 +0100
@@ -12,19 +12,26 @@
 is(($smtpd->command('MAIL FROM:<ask @perl.org>'))[0], 250, 'MAIL FROM:<ask 
 is($smtpd->transaction->sender->address, 'ask @perl.org', 'got the right 
-is(($smtpd->command('MAIL FROM:[EMAIL PROTECTED]'))[0], 250, 'MAIL FROM:[EMAIL 
-is($smtpd->transaction->sender->format, '<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>', 'got the right 
+is(($smtpd->command('MAIL FROM:[EMAIL PROTECTED]'))[0], 501, 'MAIL FROM:[EMAIL 
+# is($smtpd->transaction->sender->format, '<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>', 'got the 
right sender');
 my $command = 'MAIL FROM:<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> SIZE=1230';
 is(($smtpd->command($command))[0], 250, $command);
 is($smtpd->transaction->sender->format, '<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>', 'got the right 
+is(($smtpd->command($command))[0], 503, $command);
 $command = 'MAIL FROM:<>';
 is(($smtpd->command($command))[0], 250, $command);
 is($smtpd->transaction->sender->format, '<>', 'got the right sender');
-$command = 'MAIL FROM:<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> SIZE=1230';
+$command = 'MAIL FROM:<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> SIZE=1230 FOO=12345';
 is(($smtpd->command($command))[0], 250, $command);
 is($smtpd->transaction->sender->format, '<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>', 'got the right 
+$command = 'RCPT TO:<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> SIZE=1230 SOMETHING=12345';
+is(($smtpd->command($command))[0], 250, $command);
+is(($smtpd->transaction->recipients)[0]->format, '<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>', 'got 
the right rcpt');
+$command = 'RCPT TO:[EMAIL PROTECTED]';
+is(($smtpd->command($command))[0], 501, $command);

Reply via email to