
Fuelled by some of the recent discussions, I think the whitelisting concept needs to be re-thought.

My idea would be that there are only two things that can be whitelisted: connections and transactions. On the base of what logic, and at what stage, is up to the plugin, but if the whitelist flag is set, any DENY* return value from subsequent plugins' hooks should be treated as DECLINED.

Maybe, for the sake of efficiency, we could think of a mechanism for some plugins that only to checking (no logging and no queuing) to be bypassed altogether when whitelisting is in effect.

However, I understand that some people would like to run some checking plugins even if the whitelist flag is set - so should whitelisting be per plugin instead? [I have difficulty to imagine an easy implementation of this].

Johan Almqvist
Christies gate 34 A
0557 Oslo

Mobile: +47 40 04 68 21

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