On Fri, 24 Jul 2009, Junyi-HUANG wrote:

I have a requirement that base on the X-PropertyID header info to route
the messages to a set of smtp servers in Round Robin mode .

For example , if the conf file is like :
PID SMTP servers
pid_a ----> smtp1:10025, smtp2:10026, smtp3:10027
pid_b -----> smtp4:10025, smtp5:10026, smtp6:10027

the first message with pid_a header should be routed to smtp1:10025, and
the second one with pid_a header should be routed to smtp2:10026 .., in
a Round Robin mode to repeat those rule.

That seems to be a very artificial "requirement". What problem are you actually trying to solve?

My feeling is that you should let DNS do your RR load balancing, and recipient rewriting control your pid_a/pid_b destination group divisions.

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