Chris Lewis Wrote:
Charlie Brady wrote:
On Sun, 26 Jul 2009, Junyi-HUANG wrote:

Robin Bowes Wrote:
 Take a look at the queue/smtp-forward plugin.

 I'm pretty sure it would be trivial to modify that to deliver to
 specific servers based on header content.
Thanks much Robin, yes , i agree . i think of queue/smtp-forward too.
but, base on the header , i want to route to a set of servers , not only to a certain server in the purpose of HA and LB.
Any clue will be appreciated.

As I said earlier, I think you should do that with DNS, which already does RR load balancing. Alternatively, you could do it with iptables (assuming you are using linux).

Thanks Charlie , yes , I agree , DNS RR can solve the LB problem , but what about HA , and also , in my next plan , i even want it can be dst-domain balance ( the same domain in each queue is balance ), maybe i have to run a script to monitor each queue status every intervals and generate a report , based on the report , forwarder can pick up the appropriate smtp server to route the message.

So i still have to realize this within the plugin . but as far as i know , the plugin only has Connection and Transaction Notes , which is only in Connection scope , i think my server lists should be in the whole program scope , which can shared by each connections . maybe what i know is little , please correct me .

For HA you need failover. _That_ is what you need to implement in the forwarder.

My qpsmtp-async forwarder has a config list of IPs (and ports). During register, it randomizes the order. Associated with each IP is a "score". You could also do _that_ bit with DNS RR tricks.

Thanks a lot Chris , I am very interesting in your forwarder plugin, want to study it .
but by googling many times , i can't find where it is .
Would you mind sharing your code with me or tell how to get it ?


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